Figūrzāģa asmeņi

PRO Wood and Metal Set


PRO Wood and Metal

Designed for cutting wood and metal

  • Long Life cutting wood and metal


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Variantu pārskats (1)
Nesaistošs cenas ieteikums bez PVN
Pārbaudiet pieejamību atrašanās vietā Atrast tirdzniecības vietas Pārbaudiet pieejamību atrašanās vietā

2 607 011 944
Nesaistošs cenas ieteikums bez PVN

PRO Wood and Metal for Long Life Cutting Wood and Metal

Are you a carpenter or woodworker who needs long-lasting and precise jigsaw blades to help you in various wood and metal applications? Use jigsaw blades in the PRO Wood and Metal Set to get fast, precise, straight cuts and curved, clean cuts in wood as well as straight and curved cuts in metal.

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Varianta pārskats

Pieejamo produktu varianti: 1

Pasūtījuma numurs Komplekta saturs Ieteicamais min. materiāla biezums [mm] Ieteicamais maks. materiāla biezums [mm] Kopējais garums, mm Iepakojuma sastāvs
2 607 011 944 PRO Wood precise T 144 DP (2x); PRO Hardwood clean curve T 101 AOF (1x); PRO Hardwood fast T 144 DF (2x); PRO Hardwood clean T 101 BF (2x); PRO Hardwood clean rev.T 101 BRF (1x); PRO Metal curve T 118 EOF (1x); PRO Metal thick and thin T 123 XF (1x) 5; 1,5; 5; 3; 3; 1,5; 1,5 50; 15; 50; 30; 30; 4; 8 100 10 Gab. Atrast tirdzniecības vietas

no produktus

Atrodiet Bosch Professional tirgotāju tavā tuvumā