The best your tool can get.

Bosch Professional Accessories.
Customisation and Flexibility

Build your own set

How easy would it be if just by a “clic” you were prepared for every situation at work? Matt Banks, creative carpenter in the UK, tested our new Pick and Clic system and became fan. With the Pick and Clic customisable bit collection set he is able to adapt to every new work challenge by arranging his toolbox whatever the need.

The best your tool can get. Bosch Professional Accessories.

Pick and Clic: The right impact control drill bit at your fingertips

Pick and Clic: The right impact control drill bit at your fingertips

Build your own Pick and Clic impact control screw driver and drill bit set and be prepared for any situation. Choose from a wide selection of bits and add them with a single “clic” into your box. It’s as simple as that.

Customisable and highly robust

Customisable and highly robust

The impact control bits are highly robust and designed for heavy-duty applications with standard drill drivers or impact drivers. With so many choices, Bosch is surely to offer the optimal selection for all types of applications. Build your own, customisable Pick and Clic set. Find the whole selection at your dealer.

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