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Looking for the right accessory has never been easier. Our online guide will help you make faster and better-informed decisions based on the best match for your tool, material, and application.

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Bosch On Site

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Bosch Professional Live UK

Every two weeks, Bosch Professional UK broadcast Livestreams on YouTube. Our Product Trainers bring you brand new tools, top tips on existing tools and give you a chance to ask your burning questions. For upcoming Livestream topics, see the Events section below.

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PRO Stories

Go behind-the-scenes on some of the world's most spectacular jobsites.

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PRO Stories
Skater Boy
Skater Boy: <br/>Building Dreams
Skater Boy:
Building Dreams

With over 7,500 ramps in over 30 countries, skateboarder-carpenter Andreas Schützenberger brings freedom of movement around the world – with BITURBO tools.

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PRO Stories
Mowea: Wind of change
Mowea:<br/>Wind of change
Wind of change

A Berlin-based startup has invented an unusual way to bring wind power into the city. And it's using X-LOCK to power the change – one rooftop at a time.

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PRO Stories
Dakar Rally: Race of life
Dakar Rally:<br/>Race of life
Dakar Rally:
Race of life

Not everyone makes it to the finishing line, but we did. Our cordless tools take the heat at the world's most challenging rally – with the official Fantic team.

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PRO Stories

The Filstalbrücke is a high-speed railway and Germany's third-tallest bridge – powered by Bosch Professional.

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PRO Stories
Norman Foster
Norman Foster
Norman Foster

Thanks to the intelligent BITURBO GSR 18V-150 C Professional drill driver, carpenters bring a complex design to life with surprising ease.

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We gave you the tools. You gave us the truth.

Corded power with just one 18V battery – a breakthrough like BITURBO isn’t easy to believe. So we asked professionals worldwide to put our tools to the test and tell us their unfiltered opinion.

Got a story about Bosch Professional tools? We're listening. Share your experience with the hashtag #BuiltWithBosch or apply to be a tester.